
Welcome to Netherfield Conference 2014!

Groglass® is sponsoring the annual museum industry conference for curators, conservators, designers, architects and all the other industry experts and influencers, overall around 120 museum delegates are expected to participate. It will be an exciting opportunity for attendees to gather information about current technologies and trends in the display case industry and even more. Last year ClickNetherfield conference was hosted Read more…

Artglass™ by GroGlass® at the exhibition “1514. Book. 2014” in the National Library of Latvia

The exhibition “1514. Book. 2014” provides an insight into the 500 year history of the printed book, includes 80 books published in 1514 and is a unique and deeply personal chance to travel 500 years into the past to understand that the book was and is a powerful medium in every persons life.The year 1514 has been chosen as the Read more…

GroGlass® wins “Best in Show” award in Display Week 2014!

Display Week is the premier worldwide event showcasing advances in electronic display technology. It is providing a venue where display technology and product providers can meet with the engineers, designers, and business development decision makers driving the integration of new display technology into products. This was the 13th year for the exhibition and the first time when GroGlass® participated. And Read more…

SIA GroGlass dalība WCAF Expo 2015

Thank you for stopping by!

Thank you for visiting us at The Museums + Heritage Show in London! It was a great exhibition full with positive energy, smiles, interest and surprise of seeing “the invisible”. It was our honour to meet industry experts, specialists and consultants, conservations and design professionals, architects and museum representatives. The visitors clearly saw the benefits of Artglass™ products that are Read more…

SIA „GroGlass” dalība starptautiskajās izstādēs „Museums & Heritage Show 2014” un „SID Display Week 2014”

SIA GroGlass 2014.gada 29.oktobrī ir noslēdzis līgumu Nr. L-ĀTA-14-2421 ar Latvijas Investīciju un attīstības aģentūru par projekta “SIA „GroGlass” dalība starptautiskajās izstādēs „Museums & Heritage Show 2014” un „SID Display Week 2014” Projekta Nr. ĀTA/ Projekts tika realizēts no 2014. gada 1. aprīļa līdz 2014. gada 30. jūnijam

Visit us at Museums + Heritage Show 2014!

For anyone working in museums, galleries, heritage or cultural visitor attractions The Museums + Heritage Show is one of the most comprehensive and educating event in the sector. It brings together industry experts and influencers to evaluate and meet the latest technologies, services and achievements of the field. We are glad to be the part of the show and for Read more…

Metālapstrādes nozares speciālistu apmācību projekts

SIA „GroGlass” piedalās biedrības „Mašīnbūves un metālapstrādes rūpniecības asociācija” un Latvijas  Investīciju un attīstības aģentūras (LIAA) īstenotajā projektā Metālapstrādes nozares speciālistu apmācība (projekts Nr. L-APA-10-0027), kuru līdzfinansē Eiropas Sociālais fonds.

GroGlass® invites to the seminar „Technical equipment for museums”

On 3rd of April at 11.00 a.m. in premises of Latvian Occupation museum Latvian museum association is organizing educational seminar on topic of technical equipment for museums. The seminar will bring together heritage attraction industry representatives and curators of museums and exhibition halls to introduce with the newest technologies used in museum exhibition equipment. Several company representatives will give presentations Read more…

Wonderkamers nominated for the Museum and Heritage Awards 2014

GroGlass® is proud and delighted to inform that Wonderkamers at the Gemeentemuseum den Haag, the Netherlands have been shortlisted for Museum + Heritage Awards 2014. Wonderkamers is one of the most recent projects where Artglass™ is used to ensure the best experience for the visitors by limiting annoying reflections. “Invisible glass” together with the latest exhibition technologies helps to bring Read more…