
Welcome to the WCAF Expo 2016

The West Coast Art & Frame Expo, now in its seventeenth year,  is the the premier event of the art and framing industry where attendees come to see the latest trends, meet with exhibitors and network with other industry professionals.

WCAF Expo is the home to The National Conference, the industry’s leading educational program with fresh, new, and exciting seminars and hands-on workshops every year. The WCAF Expo is sponsored by Picture Framing Magazine.

This year Groglass® and GGI team will be in booth #325. We will be looking forward to meet you and show our highest performance products!

West Coast Art & Frame Show is a 3 day event being held from 25th January to the 27th January 2016 at the Paris Las Vegas Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas, United States of America.

For detailed information about the WCAF show 2016, please visit:


We believe that we can make the world a better place through our good works.
Thinking back to our motto – SEE WHAT`S IMPORTANT – we cannot take for granted our ability to see the beauty of the world around us. Therefore, this Holiday Season we continue to support children with visual impairments from preschool “Liepiņa” in Liepāja.
This time children will receive different materials and equipment, what will improve their daily life and suport their recovery process.
Groglass® team is pleased to support children with visual impairments – to do some good work what is really important and that makes people happier.
Below you can see the lovely paintings from children.

Artworks framed in Artglass™ available in Inhotim museum in Brazil

We are delighted to present you the amazing photos of a swiss photographer Claudia Andujar. The images narrate Andujar’s lifelong relationship with the Brazilian Amazon and the indigenous Yanomami people. During the 1970s, Andujar lived in the region during several long sojourns. Over the decades, she documented Amazonian landscape and flora, Yanomami traditional life and the contact of the native people with the white man. Eventually, she became an important activist in the indigenous people’s cause, successfully advocating for the demarcation of the Yanomami Land in 1992. In addition to Andujar’s work, the exhibition shows Yanomami drawings that the artist commissioned and collected during the 1970s. More than 400 photos and 95 drawings framed in Artglass™ by Groglass® are available for visitors in permanent exhibition in Inhotim – one of the most popular museums in the world, located in Brumadinho in southeast Brazil. To get more information, please visit the museum web page:

Photos and framing by SOMAR – Groglass® partner in Brazil.

Welcome to the trade show Architect@work

Architect@work is a unique trade show, where innovations meet architects, designers and other industry professionals.The trade show is unique in its concept – traditional aisles are transformed into lounge areas: places to enjoy a drink, to chat and to provide further explanation about the innovative products, applications or services.

The event will take place in Paris Event Center in Paris, France and will open its doors from 19th – 20th of November 2015.

You are welcome to meet Groglass® team at booth #133, to see the invisible glass!

To get the invitation to the exhibition, please contact Aleksandrs Skaceks on e-mail:

For detailed information about Architect@work, please visit:

We would like to thank also Investment and Development Agency of Latvia for financial support and cooperation provided for participation at EXPONATEC COLOGNE 2015!


EXPONATEC COLOGNE 2015 is the international trade fair for museums, conservation and heritage. Taking place every second year, the event has established itself as a significant information and discussion platform for the museum industry representatives.

You are welcome to meet Groglass® team at booth #B086, to see the invisible glass and acrylic!

The event will take place in the trade fair exhibition grounds Cologne-Deutz and will open its doors from 18th – 20th of November 2015.
For detailed information about Exponatec Cologne 2015, please visit:

We would like to thank also Investment and Development Agency of Latvia for financial support and cooperation provided for participation at EXPONATEC COLOGNE 2015!

Groglass® – one of the best exporters in Latvia

Groglass® was announced for one of the best exporters in Latvia in the Export Excellence Forum 2015, what took place in the Palladium concert hall on the 22nd of October.
During the event, special Red Jackets were awarded to the 25 most successful exporters and the Red Vests to the ten most promising companies – Rising Stars.
The companies were judged according to various criteria, chief among which were -the company has to be a brand created in Latvia and it has to export goods or services worth at least 1 million euros. As a result, out of the country’s 1350 biggest exporters, the 100 most suitable were selected, of whom 25 received the Red Jackets.
“If we do something, then we do it exceptionally good, otherwise it is not worth trying,” said Vaira Vike-Freiberga – the former president of Latvia.
The Export Excellence Forum is organised by the Red jackets movement which has set a target to identify the hundred most visible and popular Latvian export brands, in advance of the centennial of Latvia’s statehood.
The Red Jackets movement was established in 2012 to make Latvia’s name known abroad by telling about its most successful exporters. The founders of the movement are SIA GatewayBaltic, the advertising agency DDB Latvia, the brand incubation Matka, the Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and SIA MRS grupa.

SIA Groglass saņem Eksporta Izcilības balvu

Esam pagodināti – SIA Groglass saņēma Eksporta Izcilības balvu Latvijas eksporta izcilības forumā, kas notika Palladium koncertzālē šī gada 22.oktobrī.
Lai balvu saņemtu bija jāiztur piecas konkursa atlases kārtas, kur tika izvērtēti uzņēmumi pēc dažādiem kritērijiem: eksports pārsniedz 1 miljonu eiro, zīmols radīts Latvijā, mājas lapa ir pieejama angļu valodā, semīgs zīmolu audita vērtējums un citi nosacījumi. Konkursam sākotnēji bija kvalificējušies 1350 uzņēmumi.
Kopumā tika godināti 25 izcilākie Latvijas eksporta zīmoli un 10 uzlecošās zvaigznes. Zīmolu pārstāvji saņēma sarkanas žaketes kā apzīmējumu izcilam darbam eksporta tirgus apuvē. 10 jaunie eksportētāji tika godināti ar sarkanām vestītēm un titulu Rising Stars.
35 iepriekšminētie uzņēmumi pievienojās jau 2013.gadā noteiktajiem 25 izcilajiem eksportētājiem un 11 uzlecošajām zvaigznēm. Uz Latvijas simtgadi kustība The Red Jackets būs atklājusi 100 Latvijas eksporta zīmolu stāstu.
«Uzvilkt sarkanu žaketi nozīmē uzdrīkstēties atšķirties, būt spilgtam un pamanāmam. Ar žaketes uzvilkšanu gribam mudināt uzņēmumus spilgti nest savu un Latvijas zīmolu pasaulē, » atzīst Inese Andersone – uzņēmuma GatewayBaltic vadītāja jeb kustības iniciatore, kurai rūp Latvijas eksports un tēls ārvalstīs.

Groglass® supports young and talented photographer Andris Taskans

Groglass® keeps supporting young and talented artists – this time the photographer Andris Taskans (
The photo exhibition GAISMA (LIGHT) is taking place in restaurant GUSTO ( starting from the 1st of October 2015 till the 2nd of January 2016.
The author of the photo exhibition invites visitors to travel to three different countries – Cuba, Portugal, Montenegro to see that also in sunny countries it is raining, the sky is grey and cloudy, but afterwards it`s again sunny and the light comes back.
The photos are framed in anti-reflective Artglass™ by Groglass® and the photographer comments: “I made my exhibition in the venue, which is spacious and rich with natural daylight. It is very pleasant for people, but burdensome for photographers, because usual photo-frame glass creates reflections and distracts viewer from catching all the nuances of the work. Therefore I’m very grateful to Groglass® for openness and participation in my project, with contribution of Artglass™ anti-reflective glass for my photographies. Now everyone, who provides feedback for my artworks, is also positively surprised about the added visual value, which is created by Artglass™.”

Sadarbībā ar Groglass® top foto izstāde GAISMA

No šī gada 1. oktobra līdz 2016. gada 2. janvārim pusdienu restorānā GUSTO ( norisinās fotogrāfa Andra Taškāna izstāde GAISMA, kas tapusi sadarbībā ar uzņēmumu Groglass®.
Fotoizstādes GAISMA autors Andris Taškāns ( aicina ikvienu apmeklētāju doties ceļojumā uz trim dažādām pasaules valstīm – Kubu, Portugāli, Melnkalni, lai novērtētu, ka arī saulainajās valstīs līst lietus, ir pelēks un mākoņains, taču pēc tam atkal atgriežas saule un gaisma. Citur vairāk, citur mazāk, bet gaisma ir visur. To mīl un pēc tās ilgojas. Lai kā ir pasaulē, bet šeit Latvijā gaismu novērtē jo īpaši, ziemas mēnešos to gaidot, bet pavasarī un vasarā – izbaudot. Gaisma spēlē ļoti nozīmīgu lomu arī fotogrāfijā – tāpat, kā stāsts, vide un fotogrāfa sajūtas. Būtiskas ir detaļas, lai skatītājs pilnībā spētu novērtēt darbu.
Fotogrāfiju ierāmēšanai izmantots Artglass™ anti-reflektīvais stikls, kas samazina gaismas atstarošanos (ļauj redzēt mākslas darbu patiesajās krāsās) un pasargā no kaitīgajiem UV stariem (izbalēšanas).
Esat laipni aicināti ne tikai gardi paēst, bet arī baudīt mākslu!

Thank you for visiting us in Gulf Glass 2015

Gulf Glass 2015, the region’s leading international glass exhibition, was held from 14th – 16th of September, at the World Trade Centre in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

This was the first time, when Groglass® team participated in the exhibition and successfully presented our innovative products:

  • Artglass™ – highest quality anti-reflective glass that is used for the most prestigious architectural and museum design solutions by glass processors and architects worldwide.
  • Sapphire SEMI-TRANSPARENT MIRROR – the high reflective glass, which can transform from being a regular mirror into a fully functional electronic display.
  • Artglass AR PROTECT™ – the antireflective glass with printing on it as well as other highest performance glass products.

Participation in Gulf Glass 2015 was an amazing experience – these were three valuable days with a lot of meetings, much interest from exhibition visitors, architects, constructors, processors from all over the world and great start point for new cooperations.
Thank you for visiting Groglass® booth! We wish you success and hope to see you soon again!

We would like to thank also Investment and Development Agency of Latvia for financial support and cooperation provided for participation at Gulf Glass 2015!

Our glass products are widely represented on the darknet markets of europe, such as abacus and can find all our reviews on the Dark Catalog website