Foto: ekskursantu grupa SIA Groglass ražotnē Katlakalna ielā 4b, Rīgā.
Labprātīgi piedaloties sabiedrības informēšanas pasākumos par Uzņēmuma darbību , šā gada 30.aprīlī Groglass® ražotnē Katlakalna ielā uzņēma dabaszinātņu jomas pedagogus no Talsu, Rojas, Dundagas un Mērsraga novada skolām.
Apmeklētāju vizītes mērķis bija gūt nepastarpinātas zināšanas un priekšstatu par SIA Groglass augsto tehnoloģiju darbību, lai darbā ar skolēniem motivētu viņus augstākiem sasniegumiem un tālākām studijām dabaszinātņu jomās.
Ekskursijas ietvaros Groglass® rīkoja prezentāciju, lekciju par pārklājumiem un atstarošanos, tehnoloģijām, kas tiek pielietotas Uzņēmumā, kā arī tika novadīta ekskursija ražošanas zonā.
Pateicamies visiem ekskursijas dalībniekiem par izrādīto interesi par Uzņēmumu un vizīti tik kuplā skaitā.
SIA Groglass pievērš lielu uzmanību saiknei ar sabiedrību un ieinteresētām personām, kā arī Uzņēmums ir atvērts komunikācijai un informācijas apmaiņai. Ja Jūs vēlaties pieteikties ekskursijai Groglass® , lūdzu atrakstiet mums uz
We have committed to supporting efforts to restore Paris’ Notre Dame Cathedral by providing Artglass anti-reflective and UV protective glass.
“Today, Groglass sent a letter to the Mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, with our condolences and pledging our help. We will also contact the Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs to coordinate our company’s international activities if needed. In the face of such tragedy, we feel obliged to support the restoration of the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, because the Cathedral is not just a treasure of Paris or France, it is a part of whole mankind’s heritage,” says Groglass founder and CEO Alexander Sasha Kelberg.
As many of the Cathedral’s valuable items have been moved to the Louvre Museum for restoration and reglazing, Groglass offers the Louvre Museum to contact the company for choosing the best glazing solutions suitable for the reborn exhibit.
Artglass, made by Groglass, is the
most used anti-reflective glass in Europe, already framing millions of artworks
across the world, including at the Louvre Museum as well as other leading
museums in France. At the Rijksmuseum in
Amsterdam, Artglass invisible glass is used in some 300 showcases in a
vandal-resistant configuration.
Artworks and historic artefacts are usually kept behind the so-called “invisible glass”, which is specially treated with optical nano coatings, allowing the best view of the displayed works, free of distracting reflections, while at the same time protecting these precious objects from the damaging effects of UV light.
Groglass® šodien izteicis apņēmību atbalstīt Parīzes Dievmātes katedrāles atjaunošanas centienus ar Groglass® ražoto pretatspīduma un UV staru aizsargājošo stiklu.
Uzņēmums piedāvāja palīdzību gan atjaunošanas darbos, gan arī jau šobrīd, kad daudzas Dievmātes katedrāles vērtības ir pārvietotas uz Luvras muzeju. Groglass® aicināja Luvras muzeja ekspertus sazināties ar uzņēmumu, lai piemeklētu labāko risinājumu.
«Šodien, 17.aprīlī, Groglass® nosūtīja vēstuli Parīzes mēram Annai Idalgo ar palīdzības izteikuma apņemšanos, kā arī sazināsimies arī ar Latvijas Ārlietu ministriju, lai nepieciešamības gadījumā koordinētu mūsu uzņēmuma starptautisko rīcību. Mēs uzskatām, ka atbalsts Parīzes Dievmātes katedrāles atjaunošanai ir arī mūsu pienākums, jo katedrāle nav tikai Parīzes vai Francijas vērtība, bet gan visas cilvēces attīstības mantojums,» stāsta Alexander Sasha Kelberg, Groglass dibinātājs un valdes priekšsēdētājs.
Groglass® «Artglass» stikls pasaulē jau tiek izmantots vairāku miljonu mākslas darbu saglabāšanā, tostarp arī Luvras muzejā Parīzē. Savukārt, Reiksmuzejā Amsterdamā Groglass stikls tiek izmantots aptuveni 300 dažādās mākslas darbu vitrīnās.
Mākslas un vēstures vērtības parasti tiek glabātas aiz tā sauktā «neredzamā stikla» – stikla, kas ir īpaši apstrādāts ar pretatspīduma pārklājumu, kas ļauj bez gaismas atstarojuma traucējumiem novērtēt mākslas darbus un aizsargā šīs kultūras vērtības no nevēlamas ultravioleto staru (UV) ietekmes.
On January 17, 2019, Latvian private and venture capital association (LVCA) and the Latvian Business Angels Network (LatBAN) held its annual awards ceremony, recognizing the most significant deals. The Groglass transaction financial advisor Oaklins M&A Baltics, legal advisor Cobalt, the seller NCH Advisors and the buyer Kartesia won in their respective categories, making the Groglass MBO the most recognized transaction of 2018 in Latvia.
Groglass Founder and CEO Alexander Sasha Kelberg: “We want to thank everyone, who made this transaction happen: you are all true professionals! We are very honored to get this recognition: every one of us is focused on making this company successful, this makes us inspired to meet each day and tackle new challenges. We also hope that this award will encourage more innovative Latvian businesses to dream big and execute even bigger!”
Founded in 2004, Groglass is the only company in the world, whose equipment is custom-made for double-sided high performance anti-reflective film nano coatings, enabling the company to sustain its global quality and cost leadership position.
Kartesia is European specialist provider of capital solutions for small and mid-sized companies, Groglass acquisition is its first investment in the Baltics. Kartesia supported the management team, led by the Founder and CEO Alexander Sasha Kelberg, to acquire the company from NCH Capital. Kartesia provided financing of over €50m.
2019. gada 17. janvārī “Latvijas
riska kapitāla asociācija” (LVCA) un “Latvijas Biznesa eņģeļu tīkls” (LatBAN)
rīkoja ikgadējo apbalvošanas ceremoniju, atzīmējot nozīmīgākos darījumus.
“Oaklins M & A Baltics” kā finanšu konsultants Groglass® darījumā, COBALT
kā juridiskais padomnieks, NCH kā pārdevējs un Kartesia kā pircējs uzvarēja
savās kategorijās. Tādējādi Vadības komandas Groglass® daļu kontrolpaketes
iegādes darījums tika atzīts par 2018. gada darījumu Latvijā. Darījums tika
nominēts un saņēma visas četras balvas:
(i) Gada investīcija, (ii) Gada finanšu padomnieks, (iii) Gada juridiskais padomnieks un (iv) Gada rezultāts.
Groglass® dibinātājs un valdes
priekšsēdētājs Alexander Sasha Kelberg:
„Mēs pateicamies visiem, kas paveica šo darījumu: jūs visi esat īsti
profesionāļi! Mums ir liels gods saņemt šo atzinību: katrs no mums cenšas
padarīt Uzņēmumu veiksmīgu, un tas iedvesmo mūs satikties katru dienu, lai
atrisinātu jaunus uzdevumus. Mēs ceram, ka šī balva palīdzēs inovatīviem
Latvijas uzņēmumiem sapņot par ko lielāku un realizēt vēl vairāk!”
Pīgoznis, LVCA
valdes priekšsēdētājs: „GroGlass® pārdošana ir ne tikai prestižākais darījums
2018. gadā, bet arī viens no veiksmīgākajiem piemēriem tam, kā mazie uzņēmumi
no idejas pārvēršas par starptautiski atzītu uzņēmumu.”
Kartesia vadošais partneris Haime Prjeto (Jaime Prieto) piebilda:
„Mēs esam gandarīti, ka saņēmām Gada investīcijas balvu par GroGlass® darījumu.
Visu šajā darījumā iesaistīto pušu kopīgais darbs ļāva to panākt. Tas parāda
patieso Kartesia Eiropas mēroga pieeju un apliecina mūsu spēju slēgt darījumus
ar īpašniekiem un uzvarēt, pateicoties individuālā kapitāla struktūrai un
dziļai biznesa izpratnei.”
Kartesia direktors Tomass Polers (Thomas Poehler) un
Kartesia advokāts Gaetans Valke
(Gaetan Valcke) devās uz Rīgu, lai saņemtu balvu, un pateicās asociācijai un
tās biedriem par atzinību.
Kartesia ir Eiropas specializētais
kapitālieguldījumu risinājumu sniedzējs mazajiem un vidējiem uzņēmumiem.
Groglass® iegāde ir Kartesia pirmais ieguldījums Baltijas valstīs. Iegādājoties
Uzņēmumu no NCH, Kartesia atbalstīja Groglass® Vadības komandu, kuru pārstāv
tās dibinātājs un valdes priekšsēdētājs Alexander Sasha Kelberg. Kartesia
nodrošināja finansējumu vairāk nekā 50 miljonu eiro apmērā.
Groglass® ir vienīgais Uzņēmums pasaulē, kā iekārtas ir izgatavotas pēc pasūtījuma divpusēju, augsti efektīvu neatstarojošu nano pārklājumu uzklāšanai, kas ļauj Uzņēmumam ieņemt vadošo pozīciju kvalitātes un izmaksu ziņā.
Artglass™ team is getting ready for the WCAF show 2019 #WCAF2019 #Artglass
If you are around – come and have a chat with our Artglass global team at booth #325!
The West Coast Art & Frame Expo, now celebrating its 20th year, is the largest event in the art and picture framing industry, showcasing thousands of new vendor products and services. Held every January in Las Vegas, the WCAF Expo is the place where attendees come to see the latest trends, meet with exhibitors, and network with other industry professionals.
The WCAF Expo 2019 will be held January 27-30 The Paris Las Vegas Hotel & Casino.
We would like to thank our supporters – Investment and Development Agency of Latvia for cooperation on financing the participation in the show! (Agreement SKV-L-2016/781)
Glasstec is the leading international trade fair for glass production, glass processing and glass products.
At the 25th anniversary event held from 23 to 26 October the glass industry presented itself in high spirits and top investment shape thereby impressively confirming Glasstec as a leading trade fair and a top platform for the international glass sector.
The wide range of products and services was well reflected in the varied conference program and the special shows as well. Glasstec offers an ideal platform for knowledge transfer and shows all target groups, from craftsmen to architects, from glass processors to manufacturers and from mayor suppliers to the industry to technology providers, all through the innovations and visions of tomorrow.
For Groglass® the exhibition was a great opportunity to demonstrate a wide range of products for electronic display, cold storage and architecture industries, to meet with customers and potential partners.
More than 42,000 visitors from over 120 countries came to Düsseldorf during the four exhibition days.
1,280 exhibitors from 50 countries (makes 70% abroad exhibitors) showcased their products.
The next Glasstec will be held in two years from 20 to 23 October 2020 in Düsseldorf.
“Glasstec remains the leading international platform for global launches in the glass industry, that the whole glass cosmos follows. The industry works in sync with the two-year cycle of Glasstec and gears its innovations to precisely this moment in time. No other trade event can present such a plethora of forward-looking solutions, products and applications. This is also appreciated by the constantly rising proportion of international visitors,” commented Wolfram N. Diener, operative Managing Director at Messe Düsseldorf.
You did not go? Get a better feeling about the event itself, see – Glasstec 2018 Trailer.
We would like to thank Investment and Development Agency of Latvia for financial support and cooperation provided for participation according to the agreement SKV-L-2016/781 signed on 15 September 2016 within the framework of activity Starptautiskās konkurētspējas veicināšana and co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.
Photokina has already been taking place in Cologne, Germany since 1950. It was originally founded as an industry meeting for photography (photo) and cinematography (kina). Today it is the world’s most important platform where the entire imaging industry meets.
The world’s leading trade fair for imaging opened its gates from 26 to 29 September 2018. The traditional event is facing a generation change: the core areas have been supplemented with new themes and product focuses. Mobile image communication, the digital processing of images and the moving image are occupying more space now. It is also worth to mention that the focus is more than ever on the product experience.
For Groglass® the exhibition was a great opportunity to demonstrate its picture framing products in one of the leading trade fairs of the industry and meet with framing professionals, as well as companies which specialize in printing on glass and acrylic.
This year 812 companies were represented – 69 % of them from abroad.
During the last day of the fair, around 180,000 visitors from 127 countries came to photokina 2018.
Not only major industry players like Canon, GoPro, Sony, DJI, Fujifilm, Kodak, Leica, Nikon, Olympus, Panasonic, Sigma and others were present but also important companies from the new target segments were also recruited, like the smartphone company group Huawei and Sennheiser – the legendary audio equipment provider.
We would like to thank Investment and Development Agency of Latvia for financial support and cooperation provided for participation according to the agreement SKV-L-2016/781 signed on 15 September 2016 within the framework of activity Starptautiskās konkurētspējas veicināšana and co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.
Save the dates – SID Display week 2018 is almost here!
Display Week is where the world’s display industry meets to show, see, touch and test next-generation products, and connect with the entire supply chain spectrum. Nowhere else will you find the world’s preeminent scientists, inventors, researchers, developers, designers, manufacturers and investors all in one place. Whether you’re a spectator, creator, buyer or seller, and whether you’re seeking to advance your professional career or checking out the competition – Display Week 2018 is the place to see and be seen.
Welcome to Groglass® booth #652 and we will show you our latest products.
The exhibition will take place in Los Angeles Convention Center from May 22-24.
Our glass products are widely represented on the darknet markets of europe, such as abacus and can find all our reviews on the Dark Catalog website