Participation in Glasstec 2010 was supported by Investment and Development agency of Latvia.

Energoefektīva saules paneļu stikla izstrāde
Groglass® noslēdza ar LR Vides ministriju un SIA „Vides investīciju fonds” līgumu Nr. KPFI2/14.
Participation in WCAF 2011
Participation in WCAF was supported by Investment and Development agency of Latvia.
GroGlass® presents scholarship to future scientists
For the second consecutive year, GroGlass® supports young people who are studying at the Latvian Institute for Solid State Physics (part of the University of Latvia). By starting this scholarship, GroGlass® hopes to motivate bright young minds to study physics, since we see an investment in the future of our country’s education as fulfilling our role of a socially responsible enterprise.The award ceremony took place on November 12, 2009 and this year a scholarship was awarded to Edgars Nitišs, a Master’s degree student, a very impressive young man with a good background in physics. His Master’s thesis focuses on electro optics.The scholarship was presented in cooperation with the University of Latvia Foundation, which was founded in 2004 with an aim to establish relationships with sponsors and patrons of the University of Latvian, to provide scholarships and other kinds of support to students, lecturers and researchers.For more information about University of Latvia please visit:
GroGlass® Wins the “Innovator of the Year” Award
On October 22nd 2009 annual ceremony of Swedish Business Awards took place in Riga, Latvia. GroGlass®’ technology, providing the best anti-reflective glass in the industry, impressed the jury, which awarded GroGlass® the nomination “Innovator of the Year”. The award was presented to GroGlass®’ Managing Director Alexander Kelberg by Swedish Ambassador Mr. Mats Staffansson. Established several years ago, The Swedish Business Awards have become a tradition in the Baltic States. The following nominations are honored annually: “Fastest growing Swedish company in Latvia”, “Corporate Social Responsibility” and “Innovator of the Year”.
The award ceremony was combined with the conference on current economic trends and strategies with participation from several distinguished speakers, including representatives from Swedbank, University of Cambridge and CSR Europe.For more information about Swedish Business Awards visit:
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