
Artglass™ in Strasbourg, solo exhibition in Contemporary Art center CEAAC

From 23 March till 15 April personal exhibition of Reinis Hofmanis was available for public in Centre Européen d’Actions Artistiques Contemporaines (CEAAC), Strasbourg, France.

This is how Reinis explains the concept of his exhibition: ”The artwork, photo series “Stones”, has been made during the period I was working in the residence in Strasbourg. It’s a part of a long lasting international project between two countries – Latvia and France. Each year artists from Latvia and France are spending a certain time in the guest country to make their own photo project.

The main topic is “Borders”, “Borderlines”. I’m a photographer from Latvia who spent three weeks during September in Strasbourg. ” The main exhibition took place in CEAAC, well known contemporary art center in Strasbourg. The art center is organizing exhibitions every month. Afterwards the exposition will be shown in exhibition places also in Latvia.

All photos were glazed with Artglass™ by GroGlass®.

Groglass® at West Coast Art & Frame Show 2012

GroGlass® has participated in West Coast Art Frame Show 2012 with Artglass™ product range.

Visitors could observe visual differences between regular and anti-reflective glass, as well as UV protection with Artglass™, displayed by picture, which partially has lost the color brightness due to harmful UV rays, and where covered with Artglass™ UV, remained in true colors.

Visitors had opprotunity to cut the glass and to test themselves the easiness of Artglass™ cutting and handling. Groglass® participation was supported by LIAA.

With KPFI support, GroGlass® has developed the Energoeffective coating for PV panels

With KPFI support, GroGlass® has developed the new product- Energoeffective coating for PV panels.

Groglass® products are marked CE

Welcome to GroGlass® CE marking! Products are marked CE if they were verified for complicity with all relevant essential requirements before being placed on the market and are conformed to the harmonized European Standards. New Approach Directives provides essential requirements for all product groups through various product directives, including glass products.We are pleased to announce that GroGlass® products have successfully passed the examination for conformity and were marked CE.


Groglass CE Conformity

Groglass® dalība WCAF 2012

GroGlass® 2011. gada 21. novembrī noslēdza līgumu ar Latvijas Investīciju un attīstības aģentūru (LIAA) par projekta “SIA GroGlass dalība starptautiskajā izstādē “West Coast ART” Frame Show 2012″ īstenošanu. Izstāde notika no 2012. gada 30. janvāra līdz 1. februārim, Lasvegasā, ASV.

Artglass™ at Interstice, contemporary art exhibition

From 23rd July till 14th August the visitors of Cesis Art festival 2011 were welcomed to visit the exhibition Ilgas of Alnis Stakle, the winner of the global contest Sony World Photography Award 2011.

Ilgas manor house, built in baroque style during the1890s, currently holds the study basis of Daugavpils University (Latvia). Located in the border zone between Latvia and Belarus it can be only visited with a special State Border Guard permission. “During my first visit at Ilgas, I have met 45 female students living there in extreme survival-reality-show-like conditions. I was amazed by the symbiosis of the interior of the ancient manor house and these young ladies. In fashion photography, films and many documentary photography projects similar combinations of the female body and old interior are exploited to create narrations where the combination of lust, sexuality and environment’s apparent menace is used as an instrument to draw viewers’ attention. My aim in photographing the Ilgas series was, by drawing on the characteristic language of documentary photography, to reveal the documentary narration and create images that can be interpreted by using a wide range of meaning constructions from the viewer’s past experience” reflects Alnis Stakle.

All of the photos were glazed with Artglass™ by GroGlass®. ”Thanks to Artglass™ the appearance of my photos was absolutely phenomenal. This certainly was the best design of the exhibition I have ever had. I had to convince a number of the visitors, that there is any glass in front of my pictures”, points out Alnis Stakle after the exhibition.

GroGlass® piedalās aktivitātes „Jaunu produktu un tehnoloģiju ieviešana ražošanā 2. kārta” īstenošanā

No 2011. gada 7. marta līdz 2012. gada 7. septembrim tiek realizēts projekts “JAUNĀS PAAUDZES 3D (trīsdimensiju) DISPLEJU STIKLA AR ANTIREFLEKTĪVO PĀRKLĀJUMU IEVIEŠANA RAŽOŠANĀ” Līgums Nr. L-JPR-11-0111(projekta Nr. JPR/

GroGlass® dalība aktivitātē Kompetences centri

SIA GroGlass ir iesaistījies kā sadarbības partneris SIA “Vides, bioenerģētikas un biotehnoloģijas kompetences centrs” pētniecības projektu īstenošanā, pamatojoties uz 2011.gada 11. aprīlī noslēgto līgumu Nr. L-KC-11-0005 (projekta Nr.KC/ par projekta “Vides, bioenerģētikas un biotehnoloģijas kompetences centrs” īstenošanu ar VA “Latvijas Investīciju un attīstības aģentūra” Vides, Bioenerģētikas un Biotehnoloģijas kompetences centrs.

GroGlass® dalība Tīro tehnoloģiju klasterā

SIA GroGlass dalība izstādē Glasstec 2012

2013. gada 27. februārī GroGlass® parakstīja līgumu ar Latvijas Investīciju un attīstības aģentūru par projekta “SIA GroGlass dalība starptautiskajā izstādē Glasstec 2012” īstenošanu. Līguma Nr. L-?TA-13-1338, projekta Nr. ĀTA/

Our glass products are widely represented on the darknet markets of europe, such as abacus and can find all our reviews on the Dark Catalog website