
The Prime Minister Ms Laimdota Straujuma visits Groglass®

We are honored to inform that this morning company Groglass® Latvija was visited by the Prime Minister of Latvia Ms Laimdota Straujuma and the board of Latvijas Tirdzniecibas Rupniecibas Kamera (Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry – LCCI). The guests were warmly welcomed, taken on excursion to the factory where they had great possibility to see the manufacturing process of the „invisible” glass as well as they heard many interesting facts about the history, development and success of company Groglass®.
The LCCI Board meeting also was held in Groglass® premises.
It was great pleasure to welcome guests and to hear so many positive words about company Groglass®!

Photos: Toms Norde

Latvijas Ministru prezidente Laimdota Straujuma viesojas Groglass®

Esam pagodināti – šorīt uzņēmumā Groglass® viesojās Latvijas Ministru prezidente Laimdota Straujuma un Latvijas Tirdzniecības un Rūpniecības Kameras (LTRK) padome. Viesi tika laipni uzņemti un informēti par uzņēmuma vēsturi, attīstību un veiksmīgo darbību, kā arī bija lieliska iespēja izstaigāt ražotni un redzēt, kā tiek ražots augtas kvalitātes „neredzamais” stikls, kas tiek eskportēts uz vairāk kā 40 dažādām pasaules valstīm. Viesi bija patīkami pārseigti uzzināt dažādus interesantus faktus, piemēram, liela uzmanība tiek pievērsta pētniecībai un sadarbībai ar zinātnes jomu,, Latvijas Universitātes Cietvielu fizikas institūtu, uzņēmuma klientu vidū ir dažādu valstu muzeji, veikali u.c., kā arī, spriežot pēc pārdošanas rezultātiem, katrās 90 sekundēs kaut kur pasaulē ar SIA Groglass stiklu tiek ierāmēts kāds mākslas darbs.
Latvijas Ministru prezidente Laimdota Straujuma augstu novērtē uzņēmuma Groglass® darbību inovatīvā jomā, izmantojot zinātnes atklājumus: «Jūsu darbs ir ļoti iedvesmojošs citiem uzņēmīgiem cilvēkiem Latvijā, darbojoties ar pievienotās vērtības produktu radīšanu.»
Groglass® telpās notika arī LTRK padomes sēde.
Bija patiess prieks uzņemt viesus, kā arī saņemt tik daudz pozitīvas atsaukmes par uzņēmumu!

Foto: Toms Norde, Valsts kanceleja.

Uzņēmums Groglass® turpina atbalstīt latviešu māksliniekus

Šī gada aprīļa beigās Briselē jau 33.reizi pēc kārtas notika Art Brussels 2015 – starptautiska laikmetīgās mākslas izstāde.  Laika gaitā tā ir pamatīgi pilnveidojusies un kļuvusi par nozīmīgu mākslas pasākumu, kas nu jau pulcē vairāk kā 200 galerijas no visas pasaules. Šogad Latviju pārstāvēja galerija Alma ar mākslinieka Andra Eglīša solo darbu ekspozīciju, kas sastāvēja no iespaidīga mākslas objekta, gleznas un fotogrāfijām.

Foto  sērija  “Iespējamā vieta” ir mākslinieka Andra Eglīša brīvdabas darbnīcā tapušas abstraktu objektu konstrukcijas uzņemtas ar ģimenes mantojumu – kolodija plašu fotokameru. Visas sešas bildes tika ierāmētas ar „neredzamo” Artglass™ stiklu.

„Aktuāls bija jautājums ,kā lai saglabā visas smalkās fotogrāfijas nianses. Jau agrāk, kad ierāmējām īpaši vērtīgus mākslas darbus, izmantojām Groglass® ražoto Artglas™s stiklu. Tas ir labākais mākslas darbu ierāmēšanai, jo tas ir anti-reflektīvs un nodrošina gandrīz 100% aizsardzību pret kaitīgo UV starojumu, tā pasargājot un saglabājot vērtīgos mākslas darbus. Lepojamies, ka šāds – augstākās kvalitātes neatspīdošais stikls tiek ražots Latvijā un paldies Groglass® komandai par atsaucību un atbalstu”, saka Astrīda Riņķe – Galerijas Alma vadītāja un īpašniece.

Andris Eglītis ir jauns un talantīgs mākslinieks. Viņš neapstājas pie sasniegtā, bet arvien ir meklē jaunus radošos risinājumus, lai izteiktu savu pasaules uztveri caur mākslu. 2013.gadā A.Eglītis ieguva Purvīša balvu – prestižāko laikmetīgās mākslas apbalvojumu Latvijā. Un šogad mākslinieks kopā ar Katrīnu Neiburgu veidoja Latvijas paviljonu 56. Venēcijas biennālē.

Uzņēmums Groglass® ir pagodināts atbalstīt Andri Eglīti – vēlam veiksmi, kā arī arvien jaunus radošos sasniegumus!

Groglass® continues to support talanted artists

Art Brussels ( is a fair, which has been established 33 years ago and has a strong focus on international contemporary art. The fair has been expanded over the years and now boasting 200 galleries from all around the world. Latvia was represented at the SOLO section – Alma Gallery (Riga) showed works by Andris Eglītis, one of the artists representing Latvia (together with Katrīna Neiburga) at the Venice Biennale 2015. Eglītis’ series of photographs “Possible Place” were made with his family heritage collodion plate studio-camera and framed with the “invisible” Artglass™ by Groglass®, highlighting the beauty of each framed artwork, which are all unique in their poetic and delicate way, and at the same time dark appeal.

“We had a challenge to retain and accentuate all the delicate nuances of the photos. We have used Artglass™ before, when we framed especially valuable artworks. For us it is the best choice for picture framing, because it has improved transmission and it protects the artworks against the damaging UV rays. We are proud that this premium quality glass is manufactured in Latvia and we are grateful for support from the Groglass® team”, comments Astrīda Riņķe – the founder and sole director of Alma Gallery.

Company Groglass® is honoured to support young and talented artists and wishes Andris Eglītis success and new achievements.

Related article:

Stikla ķīmiskās pārklāšanas līnijas izveide!

2014.gada 20.maijā GroGlass® parakstīja līgumu ar Latvijas Investīciju un attīstības aģentūru par projekta „Stikla ķīmiskās pārklāšanas līnijas izveide” īstenošanu. Projekts tiks īstenots līdz 2015.gada 15.septembrim GroGlass® jaunajā struktūrvienībā – Granīta iela 26, Rumbula, Stopiņu novads.
2014.gada 27.jūnijā tika uzstādīts informatīvais stends.
2015.gada martā tika pabeigta līnijas galveno iekārtu uzstādīšana un ir sākti to testi dažādos ražošanas režīmos.

Groglass® exhibiting in MuseumExpo 2015

Welcome to American Alliance of Museums Annual Meeting and MuseumExpo 2015 – the largest gathering of museum professionals. The exhibition is taking place at the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta, USA from the 27th – 29th of April. Groglass® team is looking forward to meet you in booth #814.

We would like to thank the Investment and Development Agency of Latvia for financial support and cooperation provided for participation in the exhibition MuseumExpo 2015.

Projekts „SIA GroGlass dalība starptautiskajā izstādē MuseumExpo” 27.04.-29.04.2015 tiek īstenots ar Latvijas Investīciju un attīstības aģentūras atbalstu.

Artworks framed in Artglass™ in Art Brussels 2015

Andris Eglītis is young and talented artist – known for his constant creative explorations and experiments, as well as the fact that he doesn’t stop at his achievements, but always looks for the new ways and methods to express how he perceives world through art. He is also the winner of the Purvītis Award 2013 – the most prestigious award in contemporary art in Latvia. And this year Andris Eglitis will be representing Latvia at the 56th Venice Biennale together with Katrīna Neiburga.

Company Groglass® is honored to support Andris Eglītis participation in Art Brussels 2015. The artist will have SOLO presentation and his exposition will consist of the installation, paintings and photos framed in Artglass™ by Groglass®. The invisible glass is perfect choice for picture framing, because Artglass™ ensures the clearest visibility and reduces the light reflection to less than 1% allowing the exhibition visitors to focus on the artworks and enjoy them like there was absolutely nothing in between. Furthermore Artglass™ provides nearly 100% protection from harmful UV radiation in order to preserve the valuable artworks. For more information about Artglass™ – premuim quality picture framing glass, please visit

Art Brussels is the contemporary art fair with emphasis on strong discovery element and well known as the place to identify artists at the beginning of their careers. The art fair takes place in Brussels Expo from the 25th – 27th of April with VIP Preview and Vernissage on the 24th of April. For more information about the art fair Art Brussels please visit

Related article:

Artglass™ helps to highlight artworks in Venice Biennale 2015

Company Groglass® is honored to be the official sponsor for the German Pavilion in Venice Biennale 2015. This year a large photo installation by the Berlin based artist Tobias Zielony will open the show in the German Pavilion and right after entering the pavilion, visitors will be presented with 12 large wooden show cases in landscape format, hanging from the ceiling. Unique artistic documents and rare newspapers will be on display.

Since the pavilion will be flooded with light, it will be challenging to display artworks printed on paper, avoiding the unwanted reflections beaming all across the hall. Therefore, in order to protect and ensure the clearest visibility of the valuable documents, installations of Tobias Zielony will be exhibited behind large panes of Artglass™ anti-reflective glass. Artglass™ reduces the light reflection to less than 1%, allowing the viewers to focus on the displayed items. In addition, the „invisible glass” by Groglass® provides nearly 100% protection from harmful UV rays and is scratch resistant.

Artglass™ – premuim quality picture framing glass is used by independent frame shops, as well as by finest museums and art galleries worldwide. For more information please visit

The Venice Biennale is a major contemporary art exhibition that takes place once every two years in Venice, Italy. This year the 56th International Art Exhibition will run from the 9th of May till the 22nd of November 2015. The exhibition will take place at the Giardini, the Arsenale and in various locations across the city of Venice. For more information about the Venice Biennale 2015 please visit:

Groglass® at the Annual Meeting & MuseumExpo 2015

We are proud to announce that Groglass® has become a member of the American Alliance of Museums.

This year will be the first time for Groglass® exhibiting at the largest gathering of museum professionals – American Alliance of Museums Annual Meeting & MuseumExpo 2015, which will take place at the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta, USA on 26-29 of April.

Our specialists will present the invisible safety glass – Artglass AR Protect™, which is the preferred choice for the premium museums and art galleries worldwide, as well as Artglass Heritage Acrylic™ – the invisible acrylic, which is lightweight, UV blocking, anti-static, abrasion-resistant and is designed to display the truest colors of the museum exhibits.

Groglass® will exhibit at booth #814. We are very excited about this event and look forward to see you in Atlanta!

Groglass® participates in Shanghai Art and Frame Expo 2015

We were glad to participate in the annual China Art & Frame Expo 2015 in Shanghai, China. The local suppliers together with the many international participants created a colorful and busy scene and we were glad to educate visitors about the properties and benefits of our “invisible glass”. For many it was an innovative solution to be used in picture framing and we were proud to raise awareness of the anti-reflective glass among the industry professionals.

Our glass products are widely represented on the darknet markets of europe, such as abacus and can find all our reviews on the Dark Catalog website