Groglass® continues to support talanted artists

Art Brussels ( is a fair, which has been established 33 years ago and has a strong focus on international contemporary art. The fair has been expanded over the years and now boasting 200 galleries from all around the world. Latvia was represented at the SOLO section – Alma Gallery (Riga) showed works by Andris Eglītis, one of the artists Read more…

Stikla ķīmiskās pārklāšanas līnijas izveide!

2014.gada 20.maijā GroGlass® parakstīja līgumu ar Latvijas Investīciju un attīstības aģentūru par projekta „Stikla ķīmiskās pārklāšanas līnijas izveide” īstenošanu. Projekts tiks īstenots līdz 2015.gada 15.septembrim GroGlass® jaunajā struktūrvienībā – Granīta iela 26, Rumbula, Stopiņu novads. 2014.gada 27.jūnijā tika uzstādīts informatīvais stends. 2015.gada martā tika pabeigta līnijas galveno iekārtu uzstādīšana un ir sākti to testi dažādos ražošanas režīmos.

Groglass® exhibiting in MuseumExpo 2015

Welcome to American Alliance of Museums Annual Meeting and MuseumExpo 2015 – the largest gathering of museum professionals. The exhibition is taking place at the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta, USA from the 27th – 29th of April. Groglass® team is looking forward to meet you in booth #814. We would like to thank the Investment and Development Agency of Read more…

Artworks framed in Artglass™ in Art Brussels 2015

Andris Eglītis is young and talented artist – known for his constant creative explorations and experiments, as well as the fact that he doesn’t stop at his achievements, but always looks for the new ways and methods to express how he perceives world through art. He is also the winner of the Purvītis Award 2013 – the most prestigious award Read more…

Artglass™ helps to highlight artworks in Venice Biennale 2015

Company Groglass® is honored to be the official sponsor for the German Pavilion in Venice Biennale 2015. This year a large photo installation by the Berlin based artist Tobias Zielony will open the show in the German Pavilion and right after entering the pavilion, visitors will be presented with 12 large wooden show cases in landscape format, hanging from the Read more…

Groglass® at the Annual Meeting & MuseumExpo 2015

We are proud to announce that Groglass® has become a member of the American Alliance of Museums. This year will be the first time for Groglass® exhibiting at the largest gathering of museum professionals – American Alliance of Museums Annual Meeting & MuseumExpo 2015, which will take place at the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta, USA on 26-29 of Read more…

Groglass® participates in Shanghai Art and Frame Expo 2015

We were glad to participate in the annual China Art & Frame Expo 2015 in Shanghai, China. The local suppliers together with the many international participants created a colorful and busy scene and we were glad to educate visitors about the properties and benefits of our “invisible glass”. For many it was an innovative solution to be used in picture Read more…

Artglass™ in PAMA Frame and Art Show 2015

Artglass™ journey in India started at PAMA Expo with fantastic reception and great interest from framing professionals. The 2nd PAMA FRAME & ART SHOW was a 3 day event held from 27th February to the 1st March 2015 at the Bombay Exhibition Centre, NSE Complex, Goregaon(west) in Mumbai, India. It was great experience and thank You for visiting us in Read more…

ARTGLASS™ vērienīgā Latvijā radītā dizaina izstādē – HUMANIZĀCIJA

Grandioza iespēja apskatīt Artglass „neredzamo stiklu” iedvesmojošā ekspozīcijā HUMANIZĀCIJA. Izstādē tiek demonstrēta Latvijā radītā dizaina daudzveidība un pieejamība, atklājot dizaina potenciālu jebkuras nozares un indivīda sadzīves situācijas ietvaros. Šī ir otrā atklātā ekspozīcija Latvijas laikmetīgā dizaina ekspozīciju un notikumu cikla DIZAINA MANIFESTĀCIJA ietvaros.
HUMANIZĀCIJA ir ļoti īpaša izstāde – tajā apvienots priekšmetiskais dizains, pakalpojumu dizains, kā arī tehniskās jaunrades risinājumi, kas līdz šim Latvijā vēl nav darīts. Tāpēc izstāde ir lieliska platforma, kas veicina mijiedarbību starp šīm nozarēm un sekmē jaunus radošos risinājumus.
Ekspozīcijā ir apskatāmi vairāk kā 130 Latvijas dizaina produktu un pakalpojumu paraugi, demonstrējot plašo pielietojamību un rosinot diskusiju par šī potenciāla mērķtiecīgāku apgūšanu un izmantošanu. Read more…

Artglass™ in HUMANISATION – the inspiring and ambitious exhibition

Amazing opportunity to see Artglass™ in the exposition HUMANISATION. It is an inspiring and ambitious manifestation of the variety and availability of the design created in Latvia, revealing the potential of design within the framework of any sector and everyday situation of an individual. This is the second exhibition of the DESIGN MANIFESTATION, the cycle of the expositions and events Read more…