Mildas Bīrītes gleznas atkal izskatās lieliski

Latviešu mākslinieces Mildas Bīrītes (1909-1988) gleznas atkal izskatās lieliski – tās ir restaurētas, ierāmētas Groglass® ražotajā „neredzamajā” stiklā un tagad eksponētas Valkas novadpētniecības muzejā. Read more…

Summer Solstice 2015 charity project

Summer sunshine makes us happier and we think that it`s important to delight people around us, therefore Groglass® continues to support children with visual impairments from preschool “Liepiņa” in Liepāja. This time children will receive furniture – several wardrobe lockers and wardrobe closet. The new and practical wardrobe will improve the environment in the kindergarten and motivate children to work Read more…

Groglass® participates in the EuroNanoForum 2015 exhibition

The EuroNanoForum 2015 (#ENF2015) is the biggest European networking conference focusing on nanotechnology and materials. It is a unique meeting point for scientists, industrialists and policy makers. The main theme of the event is “Nanotechnology for European competitiveness” and it brings together about 1200 participants from 50 countries. As part of the Nanotech Europe exhibition, the Latvian Saiets (Latvian Gathering) Read more…

The Prime Minister Ms Laimdota Straujuma visits Groglass®

We are honored to inform that this morning company Groglass® Latvija was visited by the Prime Minister of Latvia Ms Laimdota Straujuma and the board of Latvijas Tirdzniecibas Rupniecibas Kamera (Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry – LCCI). The guests were warmly welcomed, taken on excursion to the factory where they had great possibility to see the manufacturing process of the „invisible” glass as well as Read more…

Latvijas Ministru prezidente Laimdota Straujuma viesojas Groglass®

Latvijas Ministru prezidente Laimdota Straujuma augstu novērtē uzņēmuma Groglass® darbību inovatīvā jomā, izmantojot zinātnes atklājumus: «Jūsu darbs ir ļoti iedvesmojošs citiem uzņēmīgiem cilvēkiem Latvijā, darbojoties ar pievienotās vērtības produktu radīšanu.» Read more…

Uzņēmums Groglass® turpina atbalstīt latviešu māksliniekus

Šī gada aprīļa beigās Briselē jau 33.reizi pēc kārtas notika Art Brussels 2015 – starptautiska laikmetīgās mākslas izstāde, kurā Latviju pārstāvēja galerija Alma ar mākslinieka Andra Eglīša solo darbu ekspozīciju. Foto sērija “Iespējamā vieta” ir mākslinieka brīvdabas darbnīcā tapušas abstraktu objektu konstrukcijas uzņemtas ar ģimenes mantojumu – kolodija plašu fotokameru. Visas sešas bildes tika ierāmētas ar „neredzamo” Artglass™ stiklu. Read more…

Groglass® continues to support talanted artists

Art Brussels ( is a fair, which has been established 33 years ago and has a strong focus on international contemporary art. The fair has been expanded over the years and now boasting 200 galleries from all around the world. Latvia was represented at the SOLO section – Alma Gallery (Riga) showed works by Andris Eglītis, one of the artists Read more…