Stikla ķīmiskās pārklāšanas līnijas izveide!

2014.gada 20.maijā GroGlass® parakstīja līgumu ar Latvijas Investīciju un attīstības aģentūru par projekta „Stikla ķīmiskās pārklāšanas līnijas izveide” īstenošanu. Projekts tiks īstenots līdz 2015.gada 15.septembrim GroGlass® jaunajā struktūrvienībā – Granīta iela 26, Rumbula, Stopiņu novads. 2014.gada 27.jūnijā tika uzstādīts informatīvais stends. 2015.gada martā tika pabeigta līnijas galveno iekārtu uzstādīšana un ir sākti to testi dažādos ražošanas režīmos.

Groglass® exhibiting in MuseumExpo 2015

Welcome to American Alliance of Museums Annual Meeting and MuseumExpo 2015 – the largest gathering of museum professionals. The exhibition is taking place at the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta, USA from the 27th – 29th of April. Groglass® team is looking forward to meet you in booth #814. We would like to thank the Investment and Development Agency of Read more…

Artworks framed in Artglass™ in Art Brussels 2015

Andris Eglītis is young and talented artist – known for his constant creative explorations and experiments, as well as the fact that he doesn’t stop at his achievements, but always looks for the new ways and methods to express how he perceives world through art. He is also the winner of the Purvītis Award 2013 – the most prestigious award Read more…

Artglass™ helps to highlight artworks in Venice Biennale 2015

Company Groglass® is honored to be the official sponsor for the German Pavilion in Venice Biennale 2015. This year a large photo installation by the Berlin based artist Tobias Zielony will open the show in the German Pavilion and right after entering the pavilion, visitors will be presented with 12 large wooden show cases in landscape format, hanging from the Read more…