Groglass® sponsors talented and perspective photographer Nils Vilnis

Nils Vilnis explains his idea of making “short-exposure theory” photo session: “In human head thoughts fly in an endless stream, they have different manifestations and forms: memories, imagination, associations, feelings and beliefs. Our face is like a projector, but our thoughts are similar to the slides, which our imagination is changing at high speed. All these manifestations of the infinite Read more…

GroGlass® products are covered by the harmonized European Standards

Welcome to GroGlass® CE marking! Products are marked CE if they were verified for complicity with all relevant essential requirements before being placed on the market and are conformed to the harmonized European Standards. “New Approach Directives” provides essential requirements for all product groups through various product directives, including glass products. We are pleased to announce that GroGlass® products have Read more…